Let me introduce myself!

Hello! I’m Maisha Hodges-Miles. Both owner/operator of A Versatile You™️.

I became a SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mom) in 2016. I was originally working Full-Time in Retail Management and as a Freelance Graphic Designer and Design Consultant (BAS). The latter two I still do less than part-time.

My spouse and I discussed my taking leave to take care of our child for the first five years of his life. Which was something important to me because not only do you bond but it helps with their learning and character development. During that time, I had also launched A Versatile You™️ as a hobby business where I created handmade bohemian/origami handbags.

In September of 2019, I found out I was pregnant with our second child which was definitely a surprising and frightening experience. Due to it being during the height of the pandemic, being isolated while pregnant, when you really need you’re the community and extended family the most is very taxing on your emotional, mental and physical health. But we got a happy and healthy little one.

Unfortunately, because of the pandemic business also halted. But because I was an artisan combined with my experiences, I wanted to do something impactful and purposeful.

So while making cloth face masks to sell and donate, I leaned into aromatherapy, learning to create products to help deal with my stress, anxiety and insomnia. These were now essentials that I wanted to bring to market to help other new moms who were feeling the same.

The intention of A Versatile You™️ was to “Always Be Versatile!” So most of our products serve more than one purpose. In 2021 we became an official business focusing on Self Care in which I oversee the day-to-day operations. We are a small woman and minority owned business that I’m ensuring to make a difference in the lives of our customers.